Coral Izquierdo Muñiz

Coral Izquierdo Muñiz
Hi! My name is Coral and I am a software engineer💻 I am currently finishing my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering at the University of Oviedo and from February 2025, I will continue my professional career as a technical student in the ATLAS Experiment at CERN⚛️
I have worked as an intern in data and software engineering at SATEC during the past summers and this summer I had the opportunity to work in the LAr (Liquid Argon) team of the ATLAS detector at CERN⚛️, developing a new web app for monitoring data from the LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
In my free time, I love to learn new technologies, travel and draw and paint with different techniques such as acrylic, charcoal and ink.
As in addition to my passion for technology and learning new things, I had the opportunity to share my knowledge by teaching Python and Scratch programming and graphic design at Algorithmics School and as volunteer at events such as the Hour of Code.
I have participated in various challenges and hackathons, having the honour of being awarded in some of them, both at the national level (Spain), with projects related to Augmented and Virtual Reality, IoT with Arduino and Data Analytics, such as "Clorofila 1.0" (2020), "Wearable CSSA" (2019) and "Exploradores Virtuales" (2017) and at the regional level (Asturias, Spain), such as:
- Best Prediction Award at the Merkle Datathon (2023)
- Second prize in the DXC Technology Artificial Intelligence Hackathon (2023)
- The Ada Lovelace Award in the VII Olympiad in Computer Science of Asturias, as the best classified girl (2018)
Participating in the NASA Space Apps Challenge has been a great experience, and I am very proud of the work done as a team and the good times we have shared in AsturExplorers🚀 As the team leader, we would like to thank everyone for the great support we have received so far on this journey.
If you would like to know more about my work or collaborate in future projects, do not hesitate to contact me😊
~ Coral